Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Zig Zag Rug

Canadian House & Home

How happy would you be to walk into this entry? (Me: Very.)
This picture reminded me of how much I love this runner:

I love both the Jadeite and Indigo colorways... but maybe the Indigo a little more.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Interiors of "Tron: Legacy"

So I saw a movie with my family this lovely Christmas weekend... and what do you know, my favorite part was the furniture.

An Eames lounge and ottoman, Arco lamp, and some of my most favorite chairs, Mies van der Rohe's "Barcelona." Note the collection of classic books along the back wall.

Though beautiful, the modern look was kind of expected. But the acrylic versions of 18th Century French designs were so inventive and fit perfectly.

The movie was pretty good, too.

Friday, December 24, 2010

24: Tidings of Great Joy

One of my most favorite Christmas traditions is to watch the other Jimmy Stewart Christmas classic, "Mr. Krueger's Christmas." It has such a sweet message. The movie is less than 30 minutes long, and is available in its entirety on YouTube:

I hope you have a wonderful Christmas!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

23: Scenes from My Christmas

The Mr. and I are lucky enough to spend Christmas with my family in Utah this year.
Here are some scenes from my Christmas at home:

Close-ups of the tree.

My Mom uses Pashminas as runners for the large coffee table. 
Clever, huh?

My favorite place to lounge + Our stockings and Mom's nutcracker collection

We usually have a themed Christmas tree for every room in the house, bathrooms included! My mom made the Christmas countdown out of a cookie sheet (all the hanging knick-knacks are magnetic).

We've enjoyed several snow days and can't wait for Christmas to come! 

Tomorrow, I'll share one of my favorite Christmas traditions for the final day of my 24 Days of Christmas.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

22: Tiny Christmas Surprise

I found this teeny, velvet orange in my sister's room. 
My mom bought it from a street vendor in Paris.


I never expected to find a nativity inside. How cute!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

21: White House Christmas

Back on my side of the pond...
The Obamas have some pretty jazzy things going on.

 State Dining Room 
(my favorite)

 350-Pound+ Gingerbread Whitehouse, including a wildly over-sized (but adorable) Bo!

 Miniature State Dining Room with dark chocolate furniture. Love this.

They've gone for the obvious pallet in the Red Room.

The White House reportedly has 19 Christmas trees this year, including:

The "official" tree in the Blue Room

 and the Military Appreciation Tree

Wonder what the White House has looked like in Christmases past?

Monday, December 20, 2010

20: Castle Christmas

Ever wonder why we decorate Christmas trees?

Credit for popularizing the tree-trimming tradition is given to Prince Albert, husband of Queen Victoria. They hung trees from the castle ceilings (?) or put them upon tables... of course, pretty much everyone puts them on the floor these days. Maybe that's where the tree skirt came from? An evolution from tablecloths?

The current Queen, Elizabeth, used to do a broadcast every Christmas morning to give a Holiday message and talk about the state of the kingdom. But what I'm most interested are the little peeks into the castle's Christmas decor! My favorite of these is from 2001--I love the copper and gold ornaments.


 2004: Yellow Drawing Room

 2007: 1844 Drawing Room
(what the... flat panel TV?)


 2009: White Drawing Room

And how about Queen Victoria's dinner service, all done up for the holidays? Wow. I would not like the job of polishing all that intricate silver!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

19: Silhouette Tree

Happy Last Weekend Before Christmas!

I'll be traveling all day... I am so excited to be home to see my family and friends!

 Better Homes & Gardens

Speaking of family... isn't this a beautiful way to personalize a tree? Love it.

Friday, December 17, 2010

18: Just a *Little* Christmas

Ah, I love subtlety. 
 The holiday decorations in this home are just beautiful.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

17: Non-"Christmas" Christmas Colors

I am really into aqua + anything this year.  I suppose that's fitting, considering Pantone's 2010 Color of the Year was a similar shade of turquoise.

 Martha Stewart

Martha Stewart

 Color Me Pretty via decor8

 Kath Kidston via Print & Pattern

 Martha Stewart

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

16: Lanterns


I love lanterns. I used these at my garden wedding reception, hung from shepherd hooks. I think a big collection like this would look great in an entryway or on a buffet table for a holiday party. I'll be keeping this thought in the back of my mind for sure-- time to start collecting lanterns!

So cozy.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

15: Lights Around the World

I love Christmas lights. I'm a little white twinkly lights girl myself... but these displays are pretty spectacular!


I get to see these lights next week! Yay!


Columbia: Paul Arbolea/AFP/Getty Images for Life


Wouldn't this be incredible in person? The lights stay up for 30 days for Chinese New Year.

Seoul City Hall: Choi Won-Suk/AFP/Getty Images for Life

Buckingham Palace: AFP/Getty Images for Life


Monday, December 13, 2010

14: Wrapping

Happy Monday!

With less than two weeks left to Christmas, it's time to start putting all the goodies under the tree! Sometimes the outside of a gift can be just as exciting as what's inside the box. 



Lake Dots Wrapping Paper | Paper Source 

 Bakery Twine| Whisker Graphics

I keep it simple-- I wrap everything in plain craft paper wrapping and metallic ribbons.  I also love the look of plain brown paper tied with red or green bakery twine. 

Sometimes you just can't beat brown paper packages tied up with string!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Will & Kate

The engagement pictures have been released!

I love them

And the pictures aren't bad, either ;)

I am so excited for their wedding.